MORmON Apostle Boyd K. Packer Slams Homosexuals Again, As Unfit Parents, In The First Speech Of General Conference!!
I’ll post the audio & video when it’s available in a few days, but the MORmON ASSpostHOLE Boyd KKK Packer was at it again today already, in the first session of the MORmON General Conference, stating that children should ONLY be raised by a husband & wife, man & woman & that “there is NO OTHER SUBSTITUTE” for raising children, once again slamming homosexuals that either have adopted children or want to adopt children, as unfit parents.
MORmON BIGOTRY sadly lives folks, no matter what they publicly & falsely claim about “EVERYONE IS EQUAL IN THE EYES OF GOD” & Boyd KKK Packer is the probably the biggest RACIST/BIGOT & HATER, right along with Brigham Young, in the history of the MORmON CULT & sadly, he’s proud of it & so are all of the other MORmON leaders & Hierarchy, along with most of the membership.
Let’s also keep in mind that Boyd KKK Packer is also the President of the Quorum of the 12 ASSpostHOLES & next in line to be Prophet(PROFIT) if ThomASS Monson kicks the bucket & I’ve heard he has some health issues & he looked like shit at the recent ribbon cutting of Jesus’ new TAX-EXEMPT, NO TITHING MONEY USED $5 BILLION MALL(Monson shouted “LET’S GO SHOPPING”)..I’m sure Boyd is hoping & praying every single day that ThomASS Monson kicks the bucket so he can take over “the Kingdom” & the BILLIONS that come with it!!
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PUBLICITE: Découvrez l'ouvrage Les Mensonges de l'Histoire sur ou sur et le procurer. Un ouvrage retracant la genese du Mormonisme.
Le PDG, Yrvin
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