Fund Raising to save life. Please feel free to send 1 dollar phone card to 509-3773-7912 to save life in Haiti. After the hearthquake of January 12th 2010, many people are still live in the worst condition . This program of fund raising is supported by for their programs*SAVE LIFE and HUMANITARIAN WORK*

N.W. If you agree to send more than one dollar please send the check on* to 32, Rue Benito Sylvain Port-de-Paix-Haiti/Nord-ouest*WI*
Tel 509-3773-1912
On twitter. *@Raisingfundht

N.W. If you agree to send more than one dollar please send the check on* to 32, Rue Benito Sylvain Port-de-Paix-Haiti/Nord-ouest*WI*
Tel 509-3773-1912
On twitter. *@Raisingfundht