"Thomas Spencer Monson" the actual living prophet of Mormon's church has entered a period of decline due to "Alzheimer's Disease". Allegedly, he has begun to do "embarrassing"things in public venues, and he is now surrounded by church-appointed handlers virtually 24-7. The interesting thing is that the Brethren have (again, allegedly ) divided into competing factions, one of these is led by Elder Uchtdorf, who basically wants to take over in much the same way that former prophet president Gordon Bitner Hinckley did after prophet president Benson became incapacitated.
The other faction is, of course, led by Boyd K. Packer. Interesting, according to my informant, Elder Boyd K. Packer wants to stage a kind of "Coup " whereby the Brethren would vote to give prophet president "Thomas Spencer Monson "Emeritus "status, thus allowing Boyd K. Packer to ascend to the throne in spited of the fact that "Thomas S. Monson is still alive. My informant added in the details that president Boyd K. Packer's patriarchal blessing said that he would one day hold the office of church prophet president, so he may views this as his chance to fufill this "divine calling. "Doctor Scratch " in "mormoncurtain.com ".

PUB: Découvrez plus sur les mormons en achetant l'ouvrage ayant pour titre :Les Mensonges de l"Histoire. Un ouvrage mettant en exergue l'histoire de la genèse du mormonisme (LDS)
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