* This is the message of complaint and arguments that I emailed to the American Red Cross before me to write this article and it was without success:
To: Head of American Red Cross Haiti
In offices
Subject: Pleadings and complaints
Sir / Madam,
Thank you for the commendable work as your prestigious institution performs in Haiti especially after the devastating earthquake of January 12 last. I also want to thank you for calling me to enter the contest for the post of: American Report and Communication Assistant Friday, October 14, 2011 there 15 days of that and I was a success. I heard that people had already called for an interview this was not my case! At the same time I want to tell you that I am convinced that I was the best and I expect my result since it was a contest, I will not discredit the institution while hoping that a favorable will be done for me and my complaints and arguments will be supported in a shortest possible time.
Please accept Sir / Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration!
Here is the message I sent the phone to the receptionist called me on the phone to be able to return to Port-au-Prince to participate in the contest. I told him that I will write an article on non-administrative behavior of the American Red Cross, the receptionist gives me gabelle to write the article and send it to the website of the American Red Cross and its telephone .
Here is the short message I sent him on his phone: Mrs, thank you for your kindness during our talks earlier about my participation in the contest for the position * American Report and Communication Assistant held October 14, 2011 he 15 days ago that. I ask you to convey my complaints and pleadings to the head of your institution because I am convinced that I was the best and I expect my result because it was a contest, I will not discredit the institution of any hoping that will result in my case.
NB no response was made until the date of this writing.
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